Respect Life Month
The month of October we celebrate Life and promote the protection of unborn babies. Before each Mass, we will be praying the Rosary for the defense of pre-born life and the conversion of hearts.
Beyond the month of October, a powerful way to support the pro-life cause is Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. As we prepare to reopen our Adoration chapel, please consider signing up below to pray for an hour or a half-hour each week.

The month of October we celebrate Life and promote the protection of unborn babies. We are reaching out to our Ottawa Catholic Community for this Mission! Along with your daily prayers for pre-born life, we are hoping to have at least 31 people from each of our 3 Catholic Churches sign up for one day of fasting. The sign-up Calendar Sheet will be at the back of all 3 Churches. Just put your name in an empty day on the calendar so we can make sure every day of the month is covered and all our Churches are represented. The more people who sign up the BETTER so if all spots are taken please feel free to add your name to one that is already taken. You will be on the “honor system” to remember your day of fasting!
Each day of Fasting can be different for each person who signs up. Fasting can include, but is not limited to, a fasting from a particular food such as meat or a favorite food, you can do a fast like Ash Wednesday, or even do a bread and water fast, or you can do a fast from cell phones, social media, television, computer, etc. This Fast of sacrifice and reparation will be offered up for unborn children in danger of abortion, the mothers and fathers of the unborn children and for the conversion of all those working in abortion clinics such as the doctors, nurses, receptionists, etc.
Why Fast? Fasting in the spirit of sacrifice and reparation, along with prayer, is very powerful! Jesus explained to his disciples in the Gospel: Mark 9:28-29 And when He had entered the house, His disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out? And He said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.”
There are a number of excellent pro-life organizations. Consider support the ones listed below with your time and treasure.
Sisters of Life
Founded in 1990 to protect and defend the sanctity of human life, the Sisters of Life do excellent pro-life work in cities and on college campuses throughout the country.
In addition, the Sisters of Life have partnered with the McGrath Institute at Notre Dame to create "Into Life," a 12 video course explained how to accompany woman vulnerable to abortion or who are seeking healing from aboration.
Hope Life Center
Here in Ottawa, IL, the Hope Life Center helps women in our area choose life by providing compassionate care for the mother and her child.